Public Lectures
The Veenema lab offers presentations on neuroscience-related topics, including the social brain, sex differences in the brain, sex-specific regulation of social behavior, the development of social behavior, life as a neuroscientist, and women in science. We welcome the opportunity to present in venues such as afterschool programs, museum programs, lifelong learning programs, and women in science programs. Examples of past presentations include talks on The Neuroscience underlying Gender Differences in Social Behavior at the MIT Museum in the program Second Fridays, participation in a discussion about being a woman in science at the Women in Science and Technology High School Program at Boston College, presentation on Vasopressin and Oxytocin as Mediators of Stress and Social Behavior at the Summer Science Institute for High School/Middle School Science teachers at the Dover/Sherborne High School, organized by The Education Cooperative.
High School Internships
The Veenema lab welcomes talented high school students to join our laboratory as a volunteer intern over the summer. Students will have the opportunity to gain hands-on research experience, which may include behavioral neuroscience techniques in the animal lab and in the wet lab. Please contact us if you are an interested student or a parent or teacher who recommends a student for this research opportunity. Students must be at least 16 years of age and must be able to get themselves to and from the Boston College campus.
Every year, family of Veenema lab members will be invited to get an inside look at the research conducted in the Veenema lab by means of live demonstrations (by their own children) of the different behavioral neuroscience techniques carried out in the Veenema lab.
Brain Awareness Week Activities
Brain Awareness Week is a worldwide celebration of the brain that brings together scientists, families, schools, and communities with the goal to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research. Our lab participates in a variety of activities at Michigan State University, including the MSU Science Festival, Neuroscience Fair, Elementary Science Night, and Brain Bee. To learn more about yearly activities and how to get involved, please visit The Brain Awareness Website from the Dana Foundation and the Brain Awareness Campaign from the Society for Neuroscience.
For information on improving teaching and learning in the STEM disciplines at Michigan State University, please visit Create for STEM Institure.
For information on hands-on session in Math and Science for middle school girls, please visit Middle School Girls Math & Science Day.