November 2022
UG Daniela Anderson presented a poster on her summer ENDURE-BPNP project characterizing GAD1-icre rats to determine the role of GABAergic pathways in the regulation of social play behavior in male and female juvenile rats on at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in San Diego. Elie Huez, lab UG alumnus and current graduate student at UfM, came by Daniela’s poster.

August 2022
On the last day of their research summer program, the accomplishments of the 2022 ENDURE-BPNP scholars, including UG Daniela Anderson, were celebrated with a Lab Coat Ceremony.

June 2022
Alexa gave a talk on the neural circuitry of social play behavior at the biannual workshop of the European Behavioral Pharmacology Society on “Spanning the spectrum of social behavior: towards more translationally relevant animal models“, which took place in Rome, Italy at the Acquario Romano, where she met up with fellow social play neuroscientists Marijke Achterberg (Utrecht University, Netherlands) and Jackson Ham (University of Lethbridge, Canada), and PhD buddy from the University of Groningen Rixt van der Veen (University of Amsterdam).

July 2022
GS Jessica Lee and GS Samantha Bowden presented posters of their work on the roles of vasopressin in the ventral pallidum and oxytocin in the hypothalamus, respectively in the regulation of social play behavior at the annual meeting of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, which took place in Atlanta, GA. Samantha was also selected to give a blitz talk.

June 2022
GS Jessica Lee and GS Samantha Bowden presented posters of their work on the roles of vasopressin in the ventral pallidum and oxytocin in the hypothalamus, respectively in the regulation of social play behavior at the annual meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, which took place in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

May 2022

Alexa gave a talk on the oxytocin and vasopressin neural circuitries of social play behavior at the International Workshop “Oxytocin and vasopressin: from brain modulation, to epigenetic regulation and clinical applications“, which took place in Erice, Italy.
January 2022
PD Katie Yoest chaired a symposium and gave a talk on the function of oxytocin receptors in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis at the Winter Conference on Brain Research, which took place in Snowmass, CO, USA.